Next level visionaries

The Future of Research at American Public Universities intro image
Arden L. Bement Jr.
Former Director, Purdue University Global Policy Research Institute

Lecture Title: The Future of Research at American Public Universities
October 2012
The Power of Pull intro image
John Seely Brown
Co-Chairman, Deloitte Center for the Edge

Lecture Title: The Power of Pull
May 2010
Free Speech on Campus intro image
Erwin Chemerinsky
Dean & Jesse H. Choper Distinguished Professor, UC Berkeley, School of Law

Lecture Title: Free Speech on Campus
November 2023
How Can Universities Face the Challenges Before Us? intro image
Jonathan R. Cole
Provost and Dean Emeritus, Columbia University

Lecture Title: How Can Universities Face the Challenges Before Us?
February 2010
Revolutionizing the University intro image
Cathy N. Davidson
Founding Director of the Futures Initiative

Lecture Title: Revolutionizing the University
September 2018
Enabling Ecosystems of Entrepreneurship to End Poverty intro image
Susan M. Davis
President and Chief Executive Officer, BRAC USA

Lecture Title: Enabling Ecosystems of Entrepreneurship to End Poverty
March 2013
Contributing Writer to the New York Times intro image
Claudia Dreifus
Contributing Writer, New York Times

Lecture Title: Contributing Writer to the New York Times
May 2011
Higher Education Town Hall intro image
Arne Duncan
Former U.S. Secretary of Education

Lecture Title: Higher Education Town Hall
September 2013
Beyond Wit and Grit intro image
Howard Gardner
Professor of Cognition and Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Lecture Title: Beyond Wit and Grit
May 2016
Leadership, Empowerment, and Resilience in Higher Education: Reflections on the Past Fifty Years intro image
Freeman A. Hrabowski
President Emeritus, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)

Lecture Title: Leadership, Empowerment, and Resilience in Higher Education: Reflections on the Past Fifty Years
October 2023
Teach for America intro image
Wendy Kopp
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Teach for America

Lecture Title: Teach for America
November 2011
Strategy Development intro image
Laurie Leshin
President, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Lecture Title: Strategy Development
October 2010
The Human Resource Curse intro image
Daniel Markovits
Guido Calabresi Professor of Law, Yale Law School

Lecture Title: The Human Resource Curse
January 2022
Designing for Equity: Building Innovative Systems for Lifelong Learning intro image
Ajita Talwalker Menon
President and CEO for Calbright College

Lecture Title: Designing for Equity: Building Innovative Systems for Lifelong Learning
December 2020
Governing the Future: AI, Policy Innovation, and Democracy intro image
Alondra Nelson
Harold F. Linder Professor of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Distinguished Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress

Lecture Title: Governing the Future: AI, Policy Innovation, and Democracy
April 2024
Rethinking Higher Education intro image
Ben Nelson
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Minerva Project

Lecture Title: Rethinking Higher Education
June 2015
Technology Disruption intro image
Eric Schmidt
Technical Advisor, Alphabet

Lecture Title: Technology Disruption
May 2017
The Abundant University: Remaking Higher Education for a Digital World intro image
Micahel Smith
J. Erik Jonsson Professor of Information Technology and Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, Heinz College

Lecture Title: The Abundant University: Remaking Higher Education for a Digital World
September 2024
The Journey from Not Knowing to Knowing intro image
Sarah Stein Greenberg
Executive Director & Adjunct Professor, Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University (a.k.a. "the")

Lecture Title: The Journey from Not Knowing to Knowing
May 2021
The Science of Learning: A Community-Based Learning Activity intro image
Candace Thille
Director for Workforce, Stanford Accelerator for Learning

Lecture Title: The Science of Learning: A Community-Based Learning Activity
April 2023
Can we Leapfrog? intro image
Rebecca Winthrop
Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Universal Education, Brookings

Lecture Title: Can we Leapfrog?
May 2018